Repair: Action Trackporter® Joystick Boot Replacement (Mega Transmitter)
Model: Action Trackporter® H24, H24R & P24
Required Tools:
- 3/32″ hex wrench
- flat-tip screwdriver
- tube of caulk
Estimated Repair Time: 15-20 Minutes
- Loosen the six (6) screws on the back of the transmitter with the hex wrench.
- Using a flat-tip screwdriver, carefully disengage the top of the unit from the bottom.
- Remove all portions of the old joystick boot.
- Apply a layer of caulk to the edges of the new boot (face) to create a seal when installing into position.
- Install the new boot.
- Apply a layer of caulk around the edges of the new boot (back) to adhere the joystick boot to the transmitter.
- Allow 8-10 hours (overnight) for the caulk to cure before assembling the transmitter.
- Fasten the six (6) screws and re-assemble the transmitter.